1. Information Disclosure Standards
PROGRIT discloses information in accordance with various laws and regulations, including the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and rules relating to timely disclosure, etc., as stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (“Timely Disclosure Rules”). Additionally, information that is not subject to various laws and regulations and the Timely Disclosure Rules but is considered to have a substantive impact on investment decisions or is considered useful in enhancing understanding of PROGRIT, shall be disclosed after considering its fairness and timeliness.
2. Information Disclosure Method
When disclosing information based on various laws and regulations and the Timely Disclosure Rules, it will be published on the PROGRIT website after disclosing it via TDnet (Timely Disclosure Network) and EDINET (Electronic Disclosure for Investors’ NETwork).
Furthermore, in cases of publishing information that is not subject to the above, PROGRIT will likewise strive to communicate information as fairly and widely as possible through means such as publishing it on this website or other appropriate channels.
3. Forward-Looking Statements
Forward-looking information disclosed by PROGRIT, such as the company's plans, estimates, forecasts and predictions, are based on PROGRIT's decisions or assumptions. It does not make any commitments or guarantees regarding the figures in future plans or implementing future policies. Actual results may differ materially due to a variety of factors.
4. Silent Period
To prevent leakage of financial statement information and to ensure fairness, PROGRIT regards the period from the date following the final date of each quarter’s accounting period until the publication of the applicable financial statements as a silent period. During this period, with the exception of information that has already been published, PROGRIT refrains from responding to comments, inquiries, etc., regarding the financial statements.
However, even during the silent period, information subject to various laws and regulations or the Timely Disclosure Rules shall be disclosed promptly and appropriately.


For IR-related inquiries, please use the Inquiry Form.
Please note that we do not accept inquiries by phone.
*Generally, we will respond within two business days, excluding weekends, national holidays and PROGRIT holidays.
*Depending on the contents of your inquiry, it may take us some time to respond or may not be able to respond.