Use of IR Information
The IR information provided on this website was published for the purposes of offering financial information, management indicators, etc. of PROGRIT Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "PROGRIT"), and no representation or warranty is made with regard to the contents.
Furthermore, publishing information on this website is not to solicit investment. When making investment decisions, users should refrain from making judgments based entirely on the information on this website. Investing-related decisions should be made at your own discretion and judgment.
Published Information
PROGRIT pays careful attention to the information published on this website. However, PROGRIT shall bear no liability whatsoever in case of errors in the published information or damage incurred due to data falsification by third parties, data downloads, etc., regardless of the reason.
Forward-Looking Statements
Some information published on this website includes statements regarding future performance. Such statements do not guarantee future performance and contain risks and uncertainties. Please note that future performances and actual results may differ materially due to factors such as environmental changes.
Operation of This Website
Operation of this website is subject to interruption, suspension, or content modification without prior notice.
Furthermore, in some instances, it may not be possible to use this website properly due to the state of the communication environment, the customer’s computer, or other reasons. PROGRIT shall bear no liability for any trouble, loss, or damage incurred.


For IR-related inquiries, please use the Inquiry Form.
Please note that we do not accept inquiries by phone.
*Generally, we will respond within two business days, excluding weekends, national holidays and PROGRIT holidays.
*Depending on the contents of your inquiry, it may take us some time to respond or may not be able to respond.